31 May

Linden Film Fest počinje danas u Vladinom Domu

Linden Film Fest – the third festival of feature and documentary films in Cetinje, a permanent manifestation in the field of culture of importance for the city of Cetinje, will be held from May 31 to June 6, 2024 in the National Museum of Montenegro. The organizer of the festival is “LINDEN PRODUCTION” D.O.O. Cetinje,

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30 May

Phototype edition of the Inventory of state property in Shkodër and its surroundings

The National Museum of Montenegro prepared a phototype edition of the Inventory of State Property in Shkodra and its surroundings from 1915, which consists of 192 pages and 24 parts, and it was prepared by a committee consisting of: Živko Dragović, president, members Stevo Tatar and Mitar Vukčević and manager Risto Popović. The property inventory

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30 May

Izložba Tadije Janičića na Cetinju

Izložba radova Tadije Janičića “Progoneee me tvoje oči”, koju partnerski realizuju Narodni muzej Crne Gore i Muzej savremene umjetnosti Republike Srpske iz Banja Luke, biće otvorena u petak, 31. maja u 20 časova, u Crnogorskoj galeriji umjetnosti “Miodrag Dado Đurić” na Cetinju. Na izložbi će biti prikazani slike, crteži, reljefi, skulpture i objekti koje je

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29 May

Photographers at the Montenegrin court

Although there is no official document in the archives on the appointment of Masimo Dosio, a Roman photographer, as a court photographer, his role can be deduced from the integral part of his logo – “Fotografo della Reale Corte del Montenegro”. Dosio contributed significantly to documenting life at court and in Montenegrin society, taking portraits

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28 May

Attitude towards crafts in the 19th century

Deep cultural and social resistance to crafts and manual labor was the focus of attention of domestic and foreign travel writers and scientists. Most of the field and domestic work was performed by women. All trade towards the coast was mainly carried on mules and women’s shoulders. Depicting the situation in Montenegro in the thirties

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28 May

Presentation of Dubravka in front of the Duke’s court

“Depiction of Dubravka in front of the Duke’s Palace” is a study for the painting “Dubravka”, originally intended for the “golden hall” of the Department of Worship and Education (today the Croatian Institute of History) in Zagreb. In the study/painting, Bukovac showed about thirty Dubrovnik greats from various eras, from the 15th century to the

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28 May

“Deisis” as an artistic motif

“Deisis” as an artistic motif in Christian iconography appears for the first time after the end of the Byzantine iconographic crisis. This motif is most often depicted with Christ in the middle, with the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Baptist on the sides, praying for the human race. The oldest known examples come from

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28 May

Workshop on making souvenirs

A workshop on making souvenirs was held in our studio for students of the Vocational High School from Cetinje. The goal of the workshop was to encourage creativity and acquire practical skills that I can use in the future. Students had the opportunity to learn different techniques of making souvenirs, as well as to develop

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28 May

Interactive tours and audio guides

The National Museum of Montenegro presented a new type of presentation of museum settings through interactive tours that were made in cooperation with the Naratour mobile application team. The application enables the exploration of the museum through gamification, so visitors become the protagonists of stories by playing roles, as fictitious or historical characters, solving puzzles

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28 May

My first archaeological steps

As part of the celebration of the International Museum Day, we realized the educational workshop “My first archaeological steps”, during which the children were introduced to the basic principles of archaeology, research methods, archaeological sites and processing techniques of found artifacts. At the very end, each participant had the opportunity to, with the careful guidance

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