We inform visitors that Njegoš’s mausoleum on Lovcen will be closed for visits on Monday, July 1, 2024, until 12:30 p.m., due to the filming of a promotional video for the needs of the National Tourism Organization of Montenegro. Thanks for your understanding!
The National Museum of Montenegro prepared a phototype edition of the Inventory of State Property in Shkodra and its surroundings from 1915, which consists of 192 pages and 24 parts, and it was prepared by a committee consisting of: Živko Dragović, president, members Stevo Tatar and Mitar Vukčević and manager Risto Popović. The property inventory
Izložba radova Tadije Janičića “Progoneee me tvoje oči”, koju partnerski realizuju Narodni muzej Crne Gore i Muzej savremene umjetnosti Republike Srpske iz Banja Luke, biće otvorena u petak, 31. maja u 20 časova, u Crnogorskoj galeriji umjetnosti “Miodrag Dado Đurić” na Cetinju. Na izložbi će biti prikazani slike, crteži, reljefi, skulpture i objekti koje je
The National Museum of Montenegro presented a new type of presentation of museum settings through interactive tours that were made in cooperation with the Naratour mobile application team. The application enables the exploration of the museum through gamification, so visitors become the protagonists of stories by playing roles, as fictitious or historical characters, solving puzzles
This year, the National Museum of Montenegro also celebrated the International Day of Museums – May 18 and the European Night of Museums. On Saturday, May 18, Museum Night was organized, and from 5 to 9 p.m., individual visitors could visit the King Nikola Museum, the Njegoš Museum – Billiards, and the Ethnographic Museum for
The exhibition “Life at the Montenegrin court”, organized by the National Museum of Montenegro in cooperation with the JU Museums and Galleries of Podgorica, was opened in the Modern Gallery in Podgorica. Curators of the National Museum – Jelena Vujovic, Vukan Raznatovic, Ana Kapetanovic and Filip Kuzman, with a selection of items from the rich
Izložba radova Ivice Mirovića i Olega Šurana „Jadran: Pet crtica za sjutra / Adriatic: Five notes for the future“ otvorena je u Crnogorskoj galeriji umjetnosti „Miodrag Dado Đurić“ na Cetinju, u okviru XII Fluid dizajn foruma. Radovi Mirovića i Šurana bave se refleksijama velikih globalnih promjena u lokalnom kontekstu, gdje su uveli spekulativnu dizajnersku praksu
Working hours for visiting the museum units of the National Museum of Montenegro, from April 15, 2024, are every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., namely: King Nicholas Museum, Njegos Museum of Billiards, Relief of Montenegro, Ethnographic Museum. Njegoš’s mausoleum in Lovcen is open for visits from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Montenegrin
Knjiga “Oči kože: arhitektura i čula”, autora Juhani Pallasmaa, premijerno je predstavljena publici u Crnogorskoj galeriji umjetnosti “Miodrag Dado Đurić”. O knjizi u izdanju Ateljea A22 govorili su arhitekta i umjetnik Ajla Selenić, dr Slavica Stamatović Vučković, profesorica na Arhitektonskom fakultetu i teoretičar umjetnosti Milovan Novaković. Moderatorka je bila prof. dr Kristina Bojanović.
Stalne postavke Istorijskog i Umjetničkog muzeja biće zatvorene za posjetu zbog realizacije projekta sanacije Centralnog depoa Narodnog muzeja u zgradi Vladinog doma. Muzejski materijal koji se nalazi u Centralnom depou, tokom izvođenja radova, biće privremeno deponovan i izložbenim prostorima ovih muzeja, u skladu sa odlukama Savjeta Narodnog muzeja Crne Gore. O terminima otvaranja postavki javnost