The service for general affairs performs tasks related to: internal organization and systematization;unification of work programs and reports on the work of organizational units and preparation of these documents at the level of the National Museum; the organization of the work of the Council of the National Museum; drafting and implementation of collective agreements with the employer; preparation of acts related to employment and deployment of employees; employee training and human resources development; preparing decisions on wages, vacations and other rights from the employment relationship; conducting procedures and preparing acts on disciplinary and material responsibility of employees; keeping personal records of employees; preparation of statistical reports, applications and other acts in the field of employment, health, pension and disability insurance; providing material conditions for the work of the National Museum; public procurement; state aid; preparation and implementation of the program and capital budget; preparation and certification of requests for payment with state money, European Union funds, donations and other sources; calculation of wages and other income of employees; treasury operations; property records; maintaining financial and accounting records; preparation of financial reports, periodical calculations and final accounts; publicizing the work, printing, duplicating and delivering working materials and individual acts and other administrative and technical tasks necessary for the work of the National Museum.
The work of the General Affairs Service is carried out within the following internal organizational units:
– Office for general affairs;
– Office for Public Procurement and Capital Expenditures;
– Office for finance and accounting.
Ivan Vukmirović
Assistant Director of General Affairs
Ivana Vujović
Head of the General Affairs Office
Sanja Kavaja
Head of the Finance and Accounting Office