Promotion of the book “Mind the Gap. Life between bioart, ecological art and post-
of the Internet” by art theorist Elena Giulia Rossi, published by the publishing house “Atelje A22”,
will be held on Thursday, July 4, at 7 p.m., in the Montenegrin Art Gallery Miodrag Dado Đurić
to Cetinje.
Art historians Mirjana Dabović Pejović, Ljiljana Karadžić and Dobrila will talk about the book
Denegri, and artist Viktorija Vesna. At the promotion, the audience will have the opportunity to attend and
open dialogue with the author of the book and lecturers on the topics of art and new technologies.
The book, which was first published in 2020 by Postmediabooks from Milan, investigates
epochal changes that occurred with the information age. The text moves on a triple border
science, art and technology, addressing topics of new artistic media, including
nanoart, bioart, meteorological and environmental art and internet art, at that
dealing with the problem of archives and language.Giulia Rossi introduces the reader to the latest endeavors in
contemporary art, highlighting key aspects and experiments that were previously overlooked, and which
are of crucial importance for the development of what we know today as the art of new technologies.
Her research is based on a combination of artistic experiences and experiments interwoven with science and
technology, building a semiotics that exceeds the field of signs and symbols. The book “Mind the
Gap” deals with ethical issues that arise from the combination of art and biology, through visualization
data in the context of climate change, as well as the impact of blockchain and bitcoin on our
identity. Rosi analyzes the political power of art through institutional and media channels, emphasizing
the significance of the “gap” not as a gap, but as a connection between things that often escape our attention.
The promotion is organized by the publishing house Atelje 22 with the support of the National Museum of Montenegro.