Uroš Krčadinac’s digital-art project entitled “All-round” was presented in the Montenegrin art gallery “Miodrag Dado Đurić” in Cetinje, as part of the XI Fluid design forum. The exhibition organized and produced by the National Museum of Montenegro and NVU FLUX will be open until May 27.
The project was started at the international art residency “They: Live – student lives revealed through context-based art practices”. The residency was supported by Creative Europe in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia. Later development of the project was supported by Second Sea from Rijeka and Kontejner from Zagreb. The project has so far been exhibited in the DKSG Gallery in Belgrade, the Filodrammatica Gallery in Rijeka and the Miroslav Kraljević Gallery in Zagreb. After Cetinje, an exhibition in Sarajevo is planned.
The head of the Art Museum, Mirjana Dabović Pejović, pointed out that the “Universal” project is based on an algorithm that, by generating new creations in the form of an emblematic symbol such as the flag, opens up the possibility of creating new identities.
Interactive and fun, this approach invites the viewer to identify and disclose their preferences on numerous social issues through direct participation. To a careful observer, by analyzing the offered combinations, it is indirectly possible to define the main preoccupations of contemporary society, but also the dominant direction in which it moves when it comes to tolerance, stereotypes, ideological attitudes… Indirectly, they testify to us how thin the line is between of acceptance and intolerance towards the other and the different within our microworlds. In addition to being highly sensitized to identify the spirit of the times, the native of Krčadin is also prone to research curiosity that pushes him to constant questioning and polemical interpretation of today’s meaning of the concept of identity – said Dabović-Pejović.
According to Uroš Krčadinec, the project comes from the position of someone who is an engineer, and then moves into the field of art, asking serious and difficult questions about the relationship between man and his identity.
– Are these identities fixed or not, can we be many things at the same time, who are we really and who are we now when we live in these new systems of new digital unfreedom that is globally mediated by all these new generative communication systems, from something we call that terribly ideologically charged term “artificial intelligence,” through social media, through all the other ways we interact today. That digital infrastructure has become, in a way, the main infrastructure of our lives – said Krčadinac.
Along with Uroš Krčadinac, Maida Gruden, coordinator of the residency, curator and editor of the DKSG art program, Andrija Stojanović, producer and project coordinator, Ana Pinter, director and choreographer, Lav Mrenović, curator, and Jelena Pejović, graphic designer, worked on this project. Technical and programming support: Miloš Rančić, Jacques Laroche and Antonije Petrović. The curator of the exhibition in Cetinje is art historian Miloš Marjanović.
Uroš Krčadinac (1984) is a digital artist, doctor of computer science, author and educator. His transdisciplinary practice includes programming, writing, animation and cartography. He published research papers in the best IEEE journals, while he exhibited artistic works at numerous exhibitions, festivals and conferences in the country and abroad. As an educator and public lecturer, he designed and held over 100 public lectures, panels and workshops. He had 5 solo exhibitions. He received his doctorate in computer science at the University of Belgrade. He currently works as an associate professor of digital art and computing at the Faculty of Media and Communications in Belgrade. He also works as a research associate at the Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, as a visiting teacher at the Department of New Fine Media at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, and as a traveling educator in various formal and informal contexts.