
21 Aug

Obavještavaju se svi zaposleni i posjetioci da je shodno mjerama Vlade Crne Gore od 20.08.2021. godine u Izložbenim prostorima Narodnog muzeja koji podrazumijevaju istovremeno prisustvo više lica u istom prostoru moguće je posjetiti ukoliko lice posjeduje makar jedan od sljedećih četiri dokaza:

  1. Da je potpuno vakcinisan/a ili vakcinisan/a jednom dozom vakcine protiv COVID-19;
  2. Da posjeduje negativan PCR test na SARSCov-2 ne stariji od 72 sata;
  3. Da posjeduje dokaz da je osoba preboljela COVID-19 (da je prošlo ne manje od 14 dana i ne više od 180 dana od pozitivnog PCR ili brzog antigenskog testa);
  4. Da posjeduje negativan brzi antigenski test na SARSCov-2 koji nije stariji od 48 sati.

Kontrolu propisanih mjera vršiće zaposleni u Odjeljenju za prezentaciju prema utvrđenom rasporedu.

Ukoliko se neko ne bude posjedovao traženi dokaz neće mu biti omogućen ulazak u objekte NMCG do važenja aktuelnih mjera.



All employees and visitors are informed that in accordance with the measures of the Government of Montenegro from 20.08.2021. in the Exhibition spaces of the National Museum, which imply the simultaneous presence of several persons in the same space, it is possible to visit if the person possesses at least one of the following four pieces of evidence:

  1. a) Has been fully vaccinated or has been vaccinated with a single dose of COVID-19 vaccine;
  2. b) To have a negative PCR test for SARSCov-2 not older than 72 hours;
  3. c) To have evidence that the person has survived COVID-19 (that not less than 14 days and not more than 180 days have passed since a positive PCR or rapid antigen test);
  4. d) To possess a negative rapid antigen test for SARSCov-2 not older than 48 hours.

The control of the prescribed measures will be performed by the employees in the Presentation Department according to the established schedule.

If someone does not have the required evidence, he will not be allowed to enter the NMCG facilities until the current measures are valid.